domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Kamelot - Karma (2001)

Band : Kamelot
Country : USA
Release : Karma
Year : 2001
Genre : Power, Progressive Metal
File Info : MP3, 320 Kbps, CD-Rip
Download : ][ ][

Band Sites for SUPPORT :
Official Site 

Roy Khan - Vocals [Ex-Conception (NOR)]
Thomas Youngblood - Guitars
Glenn Barry - Bass
Casey Grillo - Drums

Miro - Keyboards/Orchestral Arrangements/Background Vocals
Sascha Paeth - Additional Guitars
Farouk Asjadi - Shakuhachi
Liv Nina Mosven - Vocals (Tracks 11+12)
Olaf Hayer, Cinzia Rizzo, Robert Hunecke-Rizzo - Background Vocals 

1. Regalis Apertura 01:57  
2. Forever 04:08
3. Wings of Despair 04:32
4. The Spell 04:21
5. Don't You Cry 04:18
6. Karma 05:13
7. The Light I Shine on You 04:15
8. Temples of Gold 04:12
9. Across the Highlands 03:46
10. Elizabeth, Part I: Mirror Mirror 04:23
11. Elizabeth, Part II: Requiem for the Innocent 03:46
12. Elizabeth, Part III: Fall From Grace 11:01  
13. Ne Pleure Pas 04:14

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