domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Heir Apparent - The Moore Theater (Live 1984) [Promo]

Band : Heir Apparent
Country : USA
Release : The Moore Theater (Live Promo) [Mp3+Video]
Year : 1984
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Info : MP3, 192 Kbps + MP4 Video
Download : ][ ][
Band Sites for SUPPORT :
Official Site

INFO : This Live Promo is provided by the band at their Official Site

Derek Peace - Bass [Ex-Savage Grace (USA)]
Terry Gorle - Guitars
Paul Davidson - Vocals
Ray Schwartz - Drums

01. Intro / Dragon's Lair
02. Another Candle
03. The Servant
04. Tear Down The Walls
05. Keeper Of The Reign
06. Masters Of Invasion
07. A.N.D.....Drogro Lived On

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