domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Portrait - Portrait (2008)

Band : Portrait
Country : Sweden
Release : Portrait
Year : 2008
Genre : Heavy, Black Metal
File Info : MP3, 320 Kbps
Download : ][ ][
Band Sites for SUPPORT :
Official Site 

Phillip Svennefelt - Vocals [Helvetets Port (SWE)]
Christian Lindell - Guitar [Ex-Helvetets Port (SWE)]
Richard Lagergren - Guitar
D. Slaughter - Bass 
Anders Persson - Drums

1. Hell 07:49  
2. A Ghastly Silence 05:22
3. Village of the Fallen Angel 05:41
4. Consecration 04:27
5. A Thousand Nightmares 04:51
6. Bow unto the Devil 04:12
7. Beware the Demons 04:22
8. The Adversary 09:15

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