domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


1914 - Eschatology Of War - 2015 01. 1914 - Eschatology Of War, 2015 CD Album
     Archaic Sound - RITE 020
Zer Galaxy has a new giant black star and its name is 1914. This offerings is a monument to Triptykon and... wait for it... really ? yes ... Eisenvater, and you know I am not doing this lightly. Yes, this massive avalanche of prime darkness and universal quality sludge of death is available, reinforced with concrete outbursts of black metal at the speed of Dark Funeral. Here are valleys of doom and horizons of  battlefields in the thick fog of exhaling immobile bodies. This is more than perfect music, it is an horrible dive into the worst perversity of organized crime and mass murder. It is masterfully written, perfectly rendered in the execution an the production, this is just greater than great. Thy neuron will be marked and is already gasping for more. Each second is memorable because the giant black star of Zer Galaxy will never run out of black.
Remove brackets and unzip: [bayonnetes au canon]
!ZER 1914 ZER!

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